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Stay Safe on the Road This Fall & Winter: Tips for Commercial Truck Drivers

Truck Insurance in Houston

From slippery roads to decreased visibility, there are a few things commercial truckers need to watch out for when hitting the open road. As commercial truckers are more likely to be on the road during these hazardous conditions, it’s important to be extra cautious and take the necessary precautions.

Decreased Visibility

One of the most significant dangers of winter driving is decreased visibility. As the days get shorter and the nights get longer, you’ll find yourself driving in twilight more often. This can be especially dangerous if you’re not used to it. Be sure to adjust your mirrors and clean your windshield before hitting the road so you can see as much as possible.

Another visibility hazard that comes with winter driving is fog. Fog can reduce visibility even further, making it hard to see what’s ahead of you on the road. If you find yourself driving in foggy conditions, be sure to slow down and keep your headlights on low beam. Sun glare can also be a problem during this time of year, so be sure to keep your sunglasses handy.

Rain and Slippery Roads

Rainy weather is another hazard that comes with winter driving. Wet roads can be slippery and make it hard to stop or turn. Be sure to take it slow when driving in the rain and give yourself plenty of time to stop. If possible, avoid driving through puddles, as they can splash water onto your windshield and obscure your vision.

What Can Commercial Truck Drivers Do to Stay Safe This Winter?

With winter comes shorter days and longer nights. For commercial truck drivers, this means being on the road during hours of darkness. This can present a number of hazards, so it’s important to take extra care when driving during this time of year.

Be sure to get plenty of rest before hitting the road. Driving when you’re tired can be just as dangerous as driving under the influence of alcohol. If possible, plan your trips so you can avoid driving at night. If you do find yourself driving during hours of darkness, be sure to take extra care and go slowly.

It’s also important to be aware of changing weather conditions and plan your route accordingly. If you know you’ll be driving in rain or fog, be sure to allow yourself extra time to reach your destination. By following these tips, you can help ensure a safe and successful winter driving season.

At Golden Hills Insurance Services, our commercial truck insurance policies can help you protect your business on the road. Contact us today to learn more about our coverage options and to get a commercial truckers insurance quote.30 Truck Insurance in Houston

Source: jebinsurance

Golden Hill Insurance works to provide the best care. Jennifer Aguiluz founded Golden Hill Insurance to provide the best customer service in the commercial transportation insurance industry. Our passionate team is direct and fluent in Spanish. We understand the needs of trucking business owners and always strive to offer a wide range of competitive insurance quotes.

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