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Winter driving Best practices

Truck Insurance

Safe driving points

Watch for limited visibility with fog.

Allow eight to 12 seconds of following distance.

Look a quarter-mile ahead.

Stay in right lane.

Don't travel on the shoulder.

Control your speed.

Watch for iced bridges.


Do's and don'ts

Do use all brakes in combination.

Don't use exhaust brake.

Don't use trailer hand brake.

Do use proper gears going downhill.

Do drive slowly with chains on dry pavement.


Signs that chains are needed

When it's legally required

Snow on oncoming vehicles

CB traffic

Changing weather and road conditions

Having a safe chain-up location

State police are stopping drivers


Putting on your chains

Pick a safe pull-out area.

Use three-point dismount.

Use proper PPE.

Warm up and stretch muscles.

Think about which way to roll.

Keep chain attachments clear.

Mark tire and move 90 degrees.

Connect each rail.

Tighten cam-locks.

Roll 15 feet forward, then retighten.

Retighten in a safe area.

Install bungees to help keep snug.


Driving with chains

Don't exceed 35 mph.

Be careful on dry pavement.

Don't get over-confident.

Leave window cracked open.

Use eight- to 12-second following distance rule.

Practice speed management.


Removing your chains

Find a safe spot for removal.

Use your PPE gear.

Take off the right side first.

Roll off tail, not clamps.

Inspect for broken links.

Hang properly for next time.


Source: saif


Golden Hill Insurance Works to Provide the Best Care. Jennifer Aguiluz founded Golden Hill Insurance to offer the best customer service in the commercial transportation insurance industry. Our passionate team is straightforward and well-versed in Spanish. We understand truck company owners' necessities and always strive to provide a vast range of competitive insurance quotes.


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