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Healthy Eating Tips Truck Drivers

Healthy Eating Tips Truck Drivers

Truck Insurance

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle can be hard for truck drivers with long hours, lack of exercise and eating meals away from home. However, you can eat a healthy diet and be more active. It takes planning.  Making healthy choices may mean better quality of life. Here are a few tips:

Consider Buying a Power Inverter. This would allow you to use a small microwave, a mini refrigerator, or an electric cooler. You could make some of your own meals and healthier snacks. With the money saved from eating out 2 - 3 times per day, it would pay for itself quickly. 

 Plan Ahead. Packing meals and snacks will help your waistline and budget. Keep in mind balance, variety, and moderation.  

Fuel Up Often (and not just your truck). Start your day with a balanced breakfast. Eating 3 smaller meals and 2- 3 healthy snacks is a better choice than eating 2-3 large fast food meals each day.

  Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate. Keep a supply of water in the truck and drink a glass before each meal.  It is a zero calorie drink and will prevent excess snacking.  Try a lemon or lime slice to add flavor.

Snack Smart. Eating out of bags or boxes can lead to overeating.   Pre-filling small plastic bags with snacks is helpful. Instead of potato chips or candy choose: o raw veggies or low sodium vegetable juice o fresh fruit, dried fruit, or fruit canned in its own juice or with no added sugar o 100 calorie® snack packs  o low fat granola bar, or high fiber bar o low fat or light yogurt (add a high fiber cereal for a creamy but crunchy snack)  o whole grain pretzels o whole grain crackers with a thin layer of peanut butter or reduced fat cheese o nuts (be mindful of portion size). A serving of nuts is a small handful (¼ cup or ~250 calories). Some of the healthier nuts are almonds, pistachios, walnuts, and pecans o Hummus with pita crisps. 

 Walk Break.  After you gas up or use the facilities, walk around the outside of the parking lot.  Even a 15-minute walk will help stretch your legs, burn some calories and combat fatigue.  Doing this twice a day would be an investment in your health. Be sure you are in a safe area, and are aware of your surroundings.

 Shop Around. If you don't have much room in your truck, you may only be able to bring 2- 3 days worth of food. Take the time to go to a store to restock your cab. It takes time but you are worth it!


Source: saif 


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